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Gardi ēdieni no vietējiem produktiem. Ražots Latgalē!

Vistas nageti garšos gan lieliem, gan maziem. Pamēģiniet kopā ar gurķu mērcīti350,00 €350,00 EUR Unavailable

Fritēti kartupeļu salmiņi jeb, tautā saucāmie, FRI kartupeļi2,50 €2,50 EUR Unavailable


Burgeri visām gaumēm un prasībām
Liellopu gaļas burgera sastāvdaļas nāk no vietējām saimniecībām un netiek izmantotas sasaldētās piedevas. Burgers tiek pagatavots no svaigām sastāvdaļām - burgermaizīti cepam paši un liellopu kotleti gatavojam paši. Burgeris sastāv no:
1. Liellopu gaļa (80% gaļa, 20% speķis);
2. Maize (kviešu milti, olas, ūdens, sāls, sezama sēklas, raugs);
3. Tomātu šķēles;
4. Marinēto gurķu šķēles;
5. Salātlapa;
6. Mērce (majonēze, ketčups, )7,50 €7,50 EUR Unavailable

Mūsu gatavotais veģetārais burgeris sastāv vai nu zirņu kotletes vai halloumi siera, dārzeņiem un mērcītes. 4,00 €4,00 EUR Unavailable

This is your dish description. Include an overview of your ingredients, dietary notes, and other relevant info.22,00 €22,00 EUR Unavailable

This is your dish description. Include an overview of your ingredients, dietary notes, and other relevant info.13,00 €13,00 EUR Unavailable

This is your dish description. Include an overview of your ingredients, dietary notes, and other relevant info.17,00 €17,00 EUR Unavailable

This is your dish description. Include an overview of your ingredients, dietary notes, and other relevant info.20,00 €20,00 EUR Unavailable


This is a section of your menu, customize it any way you want.
This is your dish description. Include an overview of your ingredients, dietary notes, and other relevant info.12,00 €12,00 EUR

This is your dish description. Include an overview of your ingredients, dietary notes, and other relevant info.15,00 €15,00 EUR

This is your dish description. Include an overview of your ingredients, dietary notes, and other relevant info.12,00 €12,00 EUR

This is your dish description. Include an overview of your ingredients, dietary notes, and other relevant info.14,00 €14,00 EUR

This is your dish description. Include an overview of your ingredients, dietary notes, and other relevant info.11,00 €11,00 EUR

This is your dish description. Include an overview of your ingredients, dietary notes, and other relevant info.12,00 €12,00 EUR

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